Mar 5Liked by Catherine Newman

It reassures my mother-heart that Ben does not really cook. The same way it did when you revealed that Ben did not like to read that much, even with a writer mother who dons a headlamp to read after dark. I need those gentle reminders that our kids will be who they’ll be, and part of it will be because of us but most of it is because that’s who they’re supposed to become.

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I think maybe I needed this gentle reminder back? Thank you, Jen.

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Mar 6Liked by Catherine Newman

“Don’t make me pawn Ben’s necklace” LOL! Come for the recipes, stay for the comedy.

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Mar 5Liked by Catherine Newman

I’ve made this every other week for like 6 years! Now I do it with orecchiette though, which my kids call “doll hats” so the whole dish is referred to as “doll hat pasta”.

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Oh, I love that! They really do look like doll hats! Plus, they're so. . . chewy and good.

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Mar 5Liked by Catherine Newman

Serious props to your father for being the behind-the-scenes, supportive Girl Dad when that was not yet even a "thing"! No wonder you're so confidently cool

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I don't know if I ever really thought of it that way before, but I think you're right that he was! (Yes, so confidently cool, ha ha ha omg.)

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Mar 6Liked by Catherine Newman

The story of the necklace made my hand fly up to cover my mouth. The photo of Ben made me emit actual tears. That sweetheart. Our internet baby. WEARING THE NECKLACE LIKE A BOSS

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"Our internet baby." SOB.

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You are a national treasure, Catherine!

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Mar 6Liked by Catherine Newman

Catherine so many good things in this post. But suck it uncle Philip is def my favorite followed closely by don’t make me pawn ben’s necklace. So good.

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Ha ha ha!

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Mar 5Liked by Catherine Newman

Ugh but Deb has this recipe tooooo 🙈 don’t make me choose between Jenny and Debbbb 😭

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Ha ha ha! It's American Idol, but Pasta con Ceci.

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Mar 5·edited Mar 5Liked by Catherine Newman

I'm thinking I can also make this with gf pasta, but if you have thoughts on whether that has to be cooked separately, do share! Also I love weekday vegetarians, and DInner: A Love Story is such a good gift for anyone at the various stages of feeding young ones.

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Mar 5Liked by Catherine Newman

I usually use lentil or chickpea (that might be totally redundant!!) pasta, and I have the same question!!

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Hiiii! You could totally do this with GF pasta, and if Birdy weren't in Spain like an a-hole, that's what I would be doing! I love Jovial GF pasta. I would use those little rag ones (malfadi?) and know that it might take an extra few minutes and few splashes of water to cook through.

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And just when I was feeling a deep longing for an easy dinner that would magically appear for me...the gold necklace of chickpeas arrives. Thank you and my dinner sanity.

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Mar 6Liked by Catherine Newman

"suck it" is my favorite competitive putdown of all time. Maybe you should write a hilarious essay about the things we say when feel like we've won.... xoxo

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ooooohhhhhh good idea!

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Oh my gosh please crowdsource this. An epic list of "suck it"-isms! (May I suggest: "get bent"?)

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I've gotten back to knitting after a small children-related decade and change hiatus, and am using the rustiness to switch to continental style. A friend recommended checking out Norwegian purling and it is a magic spell and every time the stitch reveals itself on my other needle at the end of the spell, I say "ho ho ho" like Talking Tom the cat iPad app, which coincidentally my older teen was fixated on age threeish around the last time I knit.

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But I might switch to Suck It!

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Mar 6Liked by Catherine Newman

I just made the _last_ chickpea* recipe you shared and OMG. Sooooo delicious, soooooo easy! (I might have gone overboard with the Yellowbird, but nothing a dollop of yogurt doesn't fix.)

*firmly Team Garbanzo Bean here, I never say chickpea, but when in Rome

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Oh, I'm so glad!

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Mar 5Liked by Catherine Newman

Any recipe with a Victoria-Jenny-Catherine provenance has me sold. Three amazing women who each have their own very special magic. ✨✨✨

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Aw, thank you, dearest Lygeia!

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Mar 5Liked by Catherine Newman

My 17 year old kept telling me he needed "drip" which apparently meant a rolled necklace

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Ha ha ha, who knew?

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Mar 5Liked by Catherine Newman

So it's not just my 27 year old son who politely responds, "Ooooh!" rather than roll his eyes and tell me what he really thinks? Come to think of it, he's several states away, so he may well be rolling his eyes while he politely responds.

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It's sweet, isn't it?

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It is. They will probably take great care of us when we are old and senile and drooling.

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Mar 5Liked by Catherine Newman

But the FARTS, my god. Chickpeas are only edible by me with Indian spices and cooked for, i dunno, weeks. Also tho many awry bodily functions are new bc menopause, this one sustains.

No one else?!

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Mar 5Liked by Catherine Newman

I always used to scoff when "they" would say, "Eat more of the fart producing food, and your body will stop producing farts!" But, I eat chickpeas almost every day in my salads, and cook with them it seems almost weekly these days, and they don't cause gastrointestinal distress anymore! Maybe "they" were right! Plenty of other beans and troublesome foods cause issues, but not the chickpeas anymore. Good luck!

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Mar 5Liked by Catherine Newman

Ah, sure, a physical version of my therapist's instructions, so repeated that he had it hanging on the wall in needlepoint ...The only way Through It is Through It"? Worth considering.

Thanks Kristin!

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Mar 6Liked by Catherine Newman

Yeah, your micro biome adjusts! You need special bacteria to digest the bean fibres properly. Dr Nitu Bajekal, NHS gynae and plant based health specialist / instagram doc posts about this and suggests starting with 1 tbsp per day and building up from there.

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Mar 6Liked by Catherine Newman

I used to try to push through with beans (and ice cream), and it never seemed to work. Eventually my marriage had sustained as much of my experimenting as it could before cracking, so I switched to Beano and Lactaid and haven't looked back.

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THIS, please, I want to eat beans, but my body doesn't want me to eat beans

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